Consumiendo desde el consenso. Una exploración sobre el proceso de trabajo y la política

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Dante Avaro


This work starts from an unresolved old problem: how to make compatible political citizen- ship with our role as economic agents. Since long ago it was believed that the process of labor, which considered individuals as economic agents, was sufficient and at the same time necessary, to produce a well integrated political society. This has been known as regulated and administered factory consensus. In this way societies have placed the labor process as a link communicating social integration and political citizenship. Nevertheless, the loss of centrality of the labor process is a fact that this essay tries to demonstrates. Thus, the paradoxes constructed attempt to formulate the initial question in a context of unemployment and for a society that works in order to diminish the working time. Considering this loss in the centrality of labor, a public policy is proposed in order to construct a new consensus on the basis of consumption which does not consider the restriction of employment as a constraint.


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Avaro, D. (2015). Consumiendo desde el consenso. Una exploración sobre el proceso de trabajo y la política. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(169).

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