Economía y política de la transición

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Carlos González Martínez


he relationship between the economy and the polity has been a recurrent theme since the British moralists until the present, but during the last decades, it has re-emerged with renewed emphasis. This academic phenomenon is due to two interrelated reasons: on one hand, to the new light shed on the subject by the cycle and the rational choice theoretical approaches; and, on the other hand, to the need of having alternative paradigms to explain the economic and political transition which various regimes underwent in recent years. This article reviews the most important contributions to this field of study, trying to construct a mechanism to explain and analyze the relationship between the economy and the polity in the Mexican transition. In the light of similar cases, such as the Chilean and the Spanish, we examine the Mexican case from an integral functional perspective. To do this a distinction between change and reform is put forward which is fundamental to analyze the structural and intentional elements of every process of transformation, widely known as transition.


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How to Cite
González Martínez, C. (2015). Economía y política de la transición. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(170).

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