¿Qué tienen las asociaciones de la sociedad civil que promueven la democracia?

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Douglas A. Chalmers


The author analyzes associations in civil society and their effect as democratizing forces, from the point of view of goals, internal structures, links with other organisms, diversity and multiplicity, as well as and the distribution of the different kinds of associations, and the patterns of change before new challenges. He concludes that although associations are not a panacea to promote democracy, apparently they do accompany its growth and are part of any modern system.


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How to Cite
Chalmers, D. A. (2015). ¿Qué tienen las asociaciones de la sociedad civil que promueven la democracia?. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(170). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1997.170.49303

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