Globalización y comunicación

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Alma Rosa Alva de la Selva


This texts talks about the relationship between globalization and communication, which has a great influence in the social Iife of these days. It analyzes the economic origin of the globalization concept and the capital internationalization, starting on the Second World War and ending on the beginning of the global corporations. It also analyzes the impact of this process in culture, where the global images are transmitted all around the world, by the mass media; this impacts the national and regional identities. There is also a reflexion about the problems on the “information age", in which the important expansion of the globalization is pushed in a relevant way by the development of the media industries, and specially by the new technologies, which permit accumulating, transferring and processing data in low prices and quickly, with high standards.


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How to Cite
Alva de la Selva, A. R. (2015). Globalización y comunicación. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(171).

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