La crisis organizativa del Partido Acción Nacional en la década de los setenta

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Francisco Reveles Vázquez


The author describes in his article once of the main internal processes within the pan party: its crisis during the middle of the decade of the seventies in which a difficult renovation in its internal leadership came about, which in turn led to a substantial modification in its profile. The article centers around the confrontation of two internal factions —doctrinaire and pragmatic— which represented, at that moment, different routes for the development of the organization. At the end, the author tells us, the leadership as well as the structure and political electoral strategies were modified giving way to a revitalized panismo, that finally would demonstrate its strength in the electoral competition (as the pragmatists foresaw) and not in the civic indoctrination (as the doctrinaires wished).


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How to Cite
Reveles Vázquez, F. (2015). La crisis organizativa del Partido Acción Nacional en la década de los setenta. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(172).

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