El laicismo, la división de poderes y el pluralismo en el pensamiento político norteamericano

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Luisa Béjar Algazi


This essay holds there is an absence of unity in the American political tradition. Its principles do not form a coherent unity because of the presence of conflicting social and economic interests in the environment shaping it. This is not so with the institutions that finally consolidate themselves in the process of guiding the political life of that country. Separation of powers, laicism and pluralism point to an existing commitment between the different forces that shape the American political system. In the same sense, it establishes the existence of principles capable of being integrated in the exercise of contemporary democracy, just as well as in development of capitalism on big scale.


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How to Cite
Béjar Algazi, L. (2015). El laicismo, la división de poderes y el pluralismo en el pensamiento político norteamericano. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(172). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1998.172.49234

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