The Demography of Israel and Palestine: Present and Future

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Sergio DellaPergola


The debate around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict involves a great array of political, military, economic and cultural factors. The conflict in Israel and Palestine involves a large amount of political, military, economic and cultural factors. This paper focuses on the different rhythm and determinants of Jewish and Arab population development, and discusses some consequences of demography on the political outlook of the Israel/Palestine area under conflict. During many decades, the Middle Eastern conflict has fed on tensions based on ethnic and religious identities, which have favored or even determined the strategic importance of figures for the evolution of conflictive episodes. The analysis presented aims to demonstrate that a systematic evaluation of demographic tendencies is essential to understand not only the nature of the problems yet to be solved, but also to draw up proposals for policies towards normalization and peace.


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DellaPergola, S. (2015). The Demography of Israel and Palestine: Present and Future. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 60(224).

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