Repensando el Estado para el desarrollo social: más allá de dogmas y convencionalismos

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Bernardo Kliksberg


This article analyses an old and complex topic: how to successfully face poverty? Around this problem it examines the reasons for the failure of the minimal state as well as of the planning state to resolve social inequalities. Likewise, it addresses the question of the new role which modern states have to adopt in order to achieve a more efficient, productive and fair policymaking capacity for all levels and social actors. To do this, the article proposes alternatives contributing to radically restructure the traditional functions of the state as well as to supersede the “false antinomy” State-market-society. Only with such a new redefinition of the state —the “intelligent state”— it will be possible, at last, to achieve what so many classics pursued: social welfare.


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How to Cite
Kliksberg, B. (2015). Repensando el Estado para el desarrollo social: más allá de dogmas y convencionalismos. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(173).

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