Antecedentes teóricos de la etnometodología y el interaccionismo simbólico

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Cecilia Rodríguez Dorantes


In this retrospective theoretical article —a product of a broader investigation— the author focuses in the study and analysis of the explanatory potential of everyday life sociology. In it, the author tries to position the backgrounds of two fundamental schools in the study of the ordinary world: ethnomethodology and symbolic interactionism. To that effect, the paper is organized around three sections: the first positions the phenomenology and the philosophy of ordinary language as the two main theoretical streams and their convergence gives birth to ethnomethodology. In the second, she presents the theoretical background of symbolic interactionism and its main propositions. Finally, in the third section, the studies of conversation as a result of the mutual influence between both, ethnomethodology and symbolic interactionism, are presented.


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Rodríguez Dorantes, C. (2015). Antecedentes teóricos de la etnometodología y el interaccionismo simbólico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(174).

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