Corrientes de pensamiento empresarial en México (segunda parte)

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Alejandra Salas-Porras


This article examines the stages undergone by Mexico’s business political movement, the main ideological currents o which were analyzed in a previous article (Salas-Porras, 2001). During the first stage of the movement, which lasted throughout the seventies and eighties, both, the Social Christian and the Neoliberal forces, shared a common program of action, which aimed at diminishing the role of the state in society and highlighting that of entrepreneurs.

During the second and present stage, a new set of contradictions emerge between Neoliberal and Social Christian forces around the objective of redefining the vision of state and society. The strategies and tools used by entrepreneurs during these stages are discussed with special attention to the educational programs and the links with institutions which play a paramount role in spreading and highlighting the principles of the project they endorse.


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Salas-Porras, A. (2015). Corrientes de pensamiento empresarial en México (segunda parte). Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(182-3).

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