Igualdad e indianidad: una de las paradojas del México decimonónico

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Manuel Ferrer Muñoz


The following pages try to show the inefficiency of the Mexican legislation production in the nineteen century —including the Spanish liberal precedings and the insurgent texts— to offer different ways of solution to the problem that contains the full indigenous incorporation, with a citizen condition, to the new model of State based on the political liberalism process. It was never success the indigenous elevation to an effective equality level: it was impeded by the existence of a polarized society between the privileged class and the indigenous mass, and opposed to make concrete a juridical equality that always kept in a formal level. Transformed by the laws in citizens, the indigenous were not in conditions to approve this juridical equality that offer them the new government system, because they were in a position of a remarkable disadvantage.


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How to Cite
Ferrer Muñoz, M. (2015). Igualdad e indianidad: una de las paradojas del México decimonónico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(182-3). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2001.182-3.48351

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