La investigación de segundo orden en ciencias sociales y su potencial predictivo: el caso del proyecto de Identidad y tolerancia

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Silvia Molina y Vedia del Castillo


In Social Sciences we have the prejudice that laws doesn’t exist. This article develops an appropriate methodology to test this prejudice. Such methodology come from a logical perspective based upon the second order cybernetics.

The second order research in Social Sciences was more theoretically defined than applied. This article deals with the application of the second order research. It introduce the basic elements of the second order methodology and then, it shows the way in which was possible its application in the concrete case of the Identity and Intolerance research project.


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Molina y Vedia del Castillo, S. (2015). La investigación de segundo orden en ciencias sociales y su potencial predictivo: el caso del proyecto de Identidad y tolerancia. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(182-3).

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