Derivas sobre nihilismo y modernidad a partir de Nietzsche

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Julio Amador Bech


Modernity has produced a fundamental and irreversible change in world history. The relation of the human gender with nature and history has been modified radically. Finally, we live the materialization of the abstract ideal of universality in a world structured and integrated upon the modern technique, and characterized by intensive social, economic an symbolic interchange. Since the end of the nineteenth century, Nietzsche found out that the historical moment in which man was in the disposition of assuming the domain of the earth, as a whole, had come, and that this task transcended human, actual capacities. Parting from this essential problem of our time, we go on a journey through modern and contemporary history, following the main lines of Nietzsche’s philosophy, to expose the origin and foundations of nihilism as its essential component, being this, at the same time, the substantial concept that explains history.


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How to Cite
Amador Bech, J. (2015). Derivas sobre nihilismo y modernidad a partir de Nietzsche. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 45(186).

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