Organizaciones nacionales e internacionales que rigen el mercado financiero mexicano (1990-2005)

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Alejandra Salas-Porras Soulé


In this article, the author examines the most important reforms that have been experimented by the net of policies in the Mexican financial sector from 1990-2005, period in which, on one side, an institutional and organizational reorganization of great importance were introduced to adapt the country’s financial system to the demands of the international financial organisms and, on the other culminates with the approval of the New Law for the Stock Market. The questions that orient the work are centered, in the first place, in how much does the net progress from a static-centered structure to one that is more horizontal; in second place, to what degree does globalization promote the standardization and harmonization of determined policies, moving the center of the net towards diverse international institutions. Lastly, she analyses how this centralism alters the interaction between private , public and quasi-public agencies, improving the yield of financial markets.


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How to Cite
Salas-Porras Soulé, A. (2011). Organizaciones nacionales e internacionales que rigen el mercado financiero mexicano (1990-2005). Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 52(210).

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