Las mujeres y el derecho humano a la comunicación: su acceso y participación en la industria mediática

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Aimée Vega Montiel


In this article, the author explores the access and participation of women in the media production as part of their rights to communication. Also, she analyzes within this frame, the impulse that human rights in communication received from feminism, until it was recognized internationally as well as nationally and the marginal participation of women in the communication media in Mexico and other countries, in terms of property, direction and production. Finally, some proposals are reviewed which, within the scope of the Law of Media in Mexico, could contribute to further the human rights of women in the field of communication.


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How to Cite
Vega Montiel, A. (2013). Las mujeres y el derecho humano a la comunicación: su acceso y participación en la industria mediática. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 52(208).

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