Unveiling Scholarly Insights: Quality Assurance in Open and Distance Education
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Open and distance education (ODE) has continuously evolved, significantly influencing educational, daily, and professional spheres, thereby prompting interest in its sustainability and quality. This study explored global scientific perspectives on quality assurance in ODE using the science mapping method. Search terms centred on open education, distance education, and quality assurance; data was gathered from 4,224 scientific texts in the Web of Science Core Collection. Analyses were conducted using VOSviewer software. Co-authorship analyses explored scientific collaboration structures at the country level. Globally shared concepts of interest to the scientific community were addressed using co-occurrence analyses. A detailed examination of co-occurrence outputs led to classification related to general and emerging key concepts. Results depicted a widespread global interest in quality assurance in ODE, fostering connections based on new cultural similarities. The concept of quality assurance in ODE continues to be enriched and developed, gravitating towards focused learning and instruction, establishing strong ties with various components of regular education as well as human elements. However, the prevailing view of quality assurance has yet to encompass this diversity. Rather than consider the nature and current potential of ODE, it has maintained an externalized and technical perspective.
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