Use of gamification tools to motivate participation in distance high school

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Alejandro Domingo Velázquez Cruz


This article analyzes the implementation of gamified learning tools in open learning environments. These sessions are meant to reinforce key content and encourage student interaction, face common challenges in virtual education, including low engagement and limited active participation. To address these challenges, the tools Kahoot, Quizizz, and Mentimeter were used, featuring gamified activities such as real-time quizzes, matching games, and instant feedback exercises. As a result, student attendance and interaction increased, compared to previous sessions. Furthermore, students reported feeling more motivated attributing their enthusiasm to the playful and competitive nature of the platforms.

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How to Cite
Velázquez Cruz, A. D. (2025). Use of gamification tools to motivate participation in distance high school. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 17(33).

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