Tutoring in the online high schools of the RED

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Guadalupe Vadillo
Omar Terrazas Razo


Through interviews with school counselors representing each of the ten institutions of the Mexican network on online public high schools (Red de Bachilleratos Universitarios Públicos a Distancia, RED), this study provides a perspective on who organizes the counseling process, how it is achieved, what its goals are, and what the end results are for both learners and online tutors. According to this sample, counseling represents a fundamental activity in the development of the learning experience of each online high school student. It focuses on preventing and mitigating attrition and educational gaps through a close follow-up of learners. Counseling also poses challenges and various developmental opportunities.

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How to Cite
Vadillo, G., & Terrazas Razo, O. (2023). Tutoring in the online high schools of the RED. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 15(29). https://doi.org/10.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2023.29.84992

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