MATH 101: strengthening pre-college mathematics through adaptive learning

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Alberth Estuardo Alvarado Ortiz
Byron Haroldo Linares Román
Flor de María Sagastume Mayén
José Roberto Portillo Aristondo


MATH 101 is a remedial course for prospective students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) majors, which aims to strengthen their mathematical background through two main features: it is virtual and adaptive. Based on constant assessments, MATH 101 presents to each student a learning path adapted to his own needs. To accomplish its objective, MATH 101 is composed of 73 virtual learning modules with more than 380 video lectures, a bank with over 2160 problems, over 40 formative activities, and a discussion forum. This article discusses all the course details regarding its content, structure, teaching-learning methodology, and implementation. Some preliminary results of our first experience with MATH 101 are also included.


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How to Cite
Alvarado Ortiz, A. E., Linares Román, B. H., Sagastume Mayén, F. de M., & Portillo Aristondo, J. R. (2023). MATH 101: strengthening pre-college mathematics through adaptive learning. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 15(29).

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