Effects of monitoring and verbal praises on instruction-following

Contenido principal del artículo

Dalia Caroline do Carmo
Carlos Eduardo Costa
Hiroto Okouchi
André Luiz


The effects of monitoring and monitoring plus verbal praises on instruction-following were examined when the instructions did not correspond to the non-verbal contingency. Twelve undergraduate students responded in a multiple differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) DRL schedule with an instruction to respond rapidly. In one component, the experimenter monitored the participants’ performances, while in the other, the experimenter was absent. For half of the participants (N=6), the experimenter delivered verbal praises for instruction-following during the monitored component. For the other half of the participants (N=6), instruction-following had no programmed consequences. The results indicated that (a) the experimenter’s presence or the monitoring itself did not affect the instruction- following, corroborating previous studies, and (b) verbal praises transitory increased the instruction-following for half of the participants.

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Cómo citar
do Carmo, D. C., Costa, C. E., Okouchi, H., & Luiz, A. (2022). Effects of monitoring and verbal praises on instruction-following. Revista Mexicana De Análisis De La Conducta, 48(1). https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v48.i1.82752

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