Envisioning Education 3.0: The Fusion of Behavior Analysis, Learning Science and Technology

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Janet S. Twyman


Worldwide the explosion of digital technologies of all forms puts us in the midst of a revolution in education, across both K-12 and university environments. The use of technology-powered learning holds great promise as an efficacious and egalitarian means to help increasing numbers of people (young and old) obtain or accelerate learning and meet challenges in a changing, competitive world. This transformation in how we view and do education has been referred to as Education 3.0, due to its interactive, self-learning, and personalized nature. Features include omnipresent adaptive digital environments and experiences and the ability of programs to self-learn and precisely adjust to the individual learner. Components such as personalized learning and competency-based education share critical features with behavior analysis. This article highlights the congruence between Education 3.0 and behavior analysis, and the opportunity for behavior analysts to create change.

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Cómo citar
Twyman, J. S. (2014). Envisioning Education 3.0: The Fusion of Behavior Analysis, Learning Science and Technology. Revista Mexicana De Análisis De La Conducta, 40(2). https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v40.i2.63663

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