Effects of 5-Hd1TP.• a microstructuraI analysis of feeding behavior
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Since drugs that enhance scrotonergic transmission reduce carbohydrate selection sparing proteins, a mechanism depending on brain serotonin (5-IIT) levels has been suggested to control carbohydrate intake. Howere, are required sensitive techniques that evidence the mechanism in qualitative aspects as much as in quantitative terms. The microestructural analysis of feeding behaviour can help to elucidate the way in which a drug enhances, or more commonly suppresses, food intake. In this study the precursor of the serotonin 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-IfTP) was injected (i.p) to overeating rats who were offered separates sources of nutriments to see is the mechanism depending of 5-NT also act with animals on overeat regime. When 5-HdITP was injected, changes were observed in the intake, dietary selfselection and microestructural analysis of feeding behaviour of carbohydrates. This work constitute one more evidence that the carbohydrate intake is mediated by serotonin.