Measurement of intellectual aptitudes by means of interactive procedures

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Carlos Ibáñez Bernal


The aim of this study is to present an interactive methodology to evaluate intellectual capacities. The notion of `intelligence' is analized from the theoretical aproach of Interbehavioral Psychology, wish conceives it as the individual's capacity for effective performance. The methodological basis is provided by the experimental paradigm of Condictional Discrimination Learning from which another experimental procedure is proposed, here called "matching of relations". On these basics, a computer program was designed to test the perfomance of subjects with three types of relations; identity, similarity, and oddity. Data from 5 different groups of subjects are reported in this study: 3 groups of "normal" and two of "abnormal" subjects. It is concluded that this test may be able to detect individual capacities such as "attention", "abstraction", "behavioral flexibility" and speed of "adjustment" in novel situations.

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How to Cite
Ibáñez Bernal, C. (2011). Measurement of intellectual aptitudes by means of interactive procedures. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 18(1y2), 103–139.

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