Interaction problems in non-vocal children with severe motor deficits, as seen by Health Psychologists

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Carmen Basil
Ramon Bayes


This work analizes the non-vocal communicative interaction of children with severemotor deficits in school and family settings. Their interaction problems are analized asa case of learned helplesmess, and an intervention procedure is used to reduce helplessnes.Results show: 1) non-vocal interaction between the child and adult is initiated and directedby the latter¡ 2) the adult's contingent responses to control child negatively covarywith learned helplesmess; 3) children are helpless in family setting before the interventionprocedure; and 4) helplesmess is reduced in family setting by this procedure. lt is concludedthat non-vocal communication systems are a necessary, but not a sufficient conditionto improve interaction in natural settings.

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How to Cite
Basil, C., & Bayes, R. (2011). Interaction problems in non-vocal children with severe motor deficits, as seen by Health Psychologists. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 9–21.

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