Ñuqa manam runapa purinantachu purini (“Yo no camino por camino de hombres”). El más allá en la narrativa oral quechua

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Martin Lienhard


This paper studies a group of oral tales selected from the collection “Cuentos religioso-mágicos quechuas de Lucanamarca”, published by José María Arguedas, and from those collected by Crescencio Ramos Mendoza among peasants from Huancavelica, Tayacaja y Huancayo. The author proposes a comparative analysis of two fantastic narrative traditions: the Quechua and the Western tales. This paper also discusses some of the symbolic and psychological aspects of the fantastic narrative, analyses the characters and situations of the Andean oral tale, and poses a socio-literary approach to the texts.

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How to Cite
Lienhard, M. (2012). Ñuqa manam runapa purinantachu purini (“Yo no camino por camino de hombres”). El más allá en la narrativa oral quechua. Revista De Literaturas Populares, 9(1). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rlp/article/view/31400

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