Serpientes y castigos: las relaciones de sucesos y la tradición oral. Supervivencias de una historia maravillosa

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Claudia Carranza Vera


This paper studies the diferent versions of the story of a woman punished for cursing: Ana de Flores or Ginesa. This story was popular enough to be told and published in Spanish chapbooks and romances. The author anaIyzes the tapies, motifs and charaeteristics that produeed such apopular legend, as well as tlle style and the thematic elements that differ from one version to another, from the chapbooks of the 17th and 18th Century to the romancero vulgar of the 20th Century.

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How to Cite
Carranza Vera, C. (2012). Serpientes y castigos: las relaciones de sucesos y la tradición oral. Supervivencias de una historia maravillosa. Revista De Literaturas Populares, 9(1). Retrieved from

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