Development and validation of a scale daily stress in preschoolers

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María Teresa Monjarás Rodríguez
Emilia Lucio Gómez Maqueo


The aim of the present study was to develop the scale of daily stress in preschoolers and assess the psychometric  properties Three stages were carried out: an exploratory study to identify the principals areas of daily stress, 32 preschoolers of four and five years old were interviewed for this, in the second stage the scale was developed and tested with 30 preschoolers of four and five years old; content validity was assessed through independent judge ratings, which yielded satisfactory Kappa´s indexes. In the third  stage the construct validity and 
reliability of the scale was assessed with 167 preschoolers; frequency analysis, item analysis, factorial analysis of main components and reliability analysis were made for the scale. Six factors were obtained: stress in the relationship with parents, relationship with siblings, environmental stress, school stress, fantasies stress and stress by punishment, that together explained 57.89% of the variance and KMO = 847. The global Cronbach alpha was .848  with the 19 items that were grouped in the factorial analysis. The Cronbach alphas of each factor range between .56 and .63.The scale is valid and reliable, so its use can contribute to both research and clinical practice.

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How to Cite
Monjarás Rodríguez, M. T., & Lucio Gómez Maqueo, E. (2018). Development and validation of a scale daily stress in preschoolers. Revista Latinoamericana De Medicina Conductual / Latin American Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8(2), 59–68. Retrieved from

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