Scheduling activities in patients with ESRD: Proposal intervention for depression, anxiety and quality of life

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Isaías Vicente Lugo González
Yuma Yoaly Pérez Bautista


End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a condition in which progressively depends on a substitute treatment. Illness and comorbidities increase psychosocial consequences such as depression, anxiety, physical and social limitations, which have an important impact on their quality of life. From behavioral medicine offered alternatives of intervention that promote the active coping of the illness, resulting in a better adaptation, reduction of emotional and physical consequences. Two women with ESRD participated in a program of scheduling activities, with the purpose of reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improve the quality of life. The results obtained show a clinically significant decrease in the symptoms of depression (-54% y -46% for each participant), anxiety (-50% y -61% respectively) and improvement in quality of life (-46% y -51% respectively) between evaluation and post-evaluation. It is concluded that the implementation of structured psychological interventions concomitant with the initiation of hemodialysis treatment supports the reduction of the negative impact of the ERCT, also, it is suggested this type of interventions to be part of the interdisciplinary treatment in the ESRD.

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How to Cite
Lugo González, I. V., & Pérez Bautista, Y. Y. (2018). Scheduling activities in patients with ESRD: Proposal intervention for depression, anxiety and quality of life. Revista Latinoamericana De Medicina Conductual / Latin American Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8(2), 50–58. Retrieved from

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