Factors associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety in Mexican patients with breast cancer

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Abel Lerma-Talamantes
Flor Esmeralda Larios-Jiménez
Adrián Daneri-Navarro
Claudia Lerma
Rebeca Robles-García


Depression and anxiety are the most common psychopathologies in women with breast cancer, which increase the risk of adverse clinical outcomes and affect the cost and effectiveness of medical treatments. The objective of this work was to identify sociodemographic and psychological factors (cognitive distortions, perceived disability) associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety in a sample of Mexican patients with breast cancer.

Four psychological instruments were applied to 291 patients diagnosed with breast cancer (Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventory, Perceived Disability Evaluation Scale, and Cognitive Distortion Inventory). A bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed.

In depressed patients there were more cases of smoking, use of medications, more cases with primary studies and fewer economically active patients. The patients with anxiety had more current smoking, more cases without studies or only primary studies and were not economically active. Taking medications, not being economically active and having only primary school or without studies are factors associated independently to depressive symptoms and, with the exception of taking medication, also to anxiety. Cognitive distortions and perceived disability explain independently the symptoms of anxiety and depression. The symptoms of depression and anxiety correlated positively with each other and with cognitive distortions and disability.

Sociodemographic factors and other psychological aspects are associated independently to the symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with breast cancer. These factors could be considered in the design of interventions to reduce these symptoms.

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How to Cite
Lerma-Talamantes, A., Larios-Jiménez, F. E., Daneri-Navarro, A., Lerma, C., & Robles-García, R. (2018). Factors associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety in Mexican patients with breast cancer. Revista Latinoamericana De Medicina Conductual / Latin American Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8(1), 16. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rlmc/article/view/65125

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