Burnout among elementary school teachers and their work performance

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Ariadnne Rionda Arjona
María Guadalupe Mares Cárdenas


Significant levels of the burnout syndrome were encountered in a study of 304 elementaryschool professionals, teaching students at the 8 to 12 year level, in Mexico City, Mexico.A questionnaire containing demographic, employment, and productivity data wasanalyzed and correlated in the non-experimental, explanatory manner of Maslach BurnoutInventory –Human Services Survey (MBI - HHS) analysis method of Maslach and Jackson(1986). Using this approach it was concluded that 13% of the overall sample populationexhibited “high” levels of the burnout syndrome, with an additional 56% having “middle”levels. In addition, a low negative correlations exists between those teachers showingdepersonalization with their participation in school activities and the student´s academicresults as indicated by their “National evaluation of academic performance scores at schoolcenters” (ENLACE test scores).

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How to Cite
Rionda Arjona, A., & Mares Cárdenas, M. G. (2011). Burnout among elementary school teachers and their work performance. Revista Latinoamericana De Medicina Conductual / Latin American Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2(1), 43–50. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rlmc/article/view/27637

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