Feminine continuation in violent couple relationship: strengths and risk factors.

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Dolores Mercado Corona
Laura Angela Samarriba Rocha
Corina Margarita Cuevas Renaud
Claudia Iveth Astudillo García
Marcela Sánchez Estrada


A violence scale for measuring the probability to leave or stay in a couple violent relationship was developed. The first version had 211 items with Likert format response. Four hundred forty one beaten women who received institutional support answered the scale. Factorial structure grouped 45 items into 6 factors that explained 29.51 % of variance. Alpha Cronbach was 0.94.The first factor contains positive aspects related to leave, in contrast the other 5 factors, describe conditions that facilitate to stay in the violent relationship. Some factors, as positive attitudes, fear and guilt, pseudo responsibility, submission and traditional feminine role showed differences among criteria groups: living or not with the violent couple, age, education level, and number of children. The scale showed face, factorial, and criteria validity and reliability. It is suggested to continue with the scale development to improve its validity.

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How to Cite
Mercado Corona, D., Samarriba Rocha, L. A., Cuevas Renaud, C. M., Astudillo García, C. I., & Sánchez Estrada, M. (2011). Feminine continuation in violent couple relationship: strengths and risk factors. Revista Latinoamericana De Medicina Conductual / Latin American Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2(1), 21–32. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rlmc/article/view/27635

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