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Carlos Garrocho Rangel
Tania Chávez Soto
Iván Vilchis Mata


This paper offers a quantitative explanation of the employment dynamics in the technology-based sectors and companies (TBS) of the network of Central-Northeast cities of Mexico (T-MEC network). The research questions are: Where, how much, in what TBS, and why did employment change in the T-MEC network, in its nodes, and its micro spaces, between 2015 and 2020? The method was the Spatial Shift-Share Analysis. It explains the performance of TBS employment as a multi-scale space-sector system. Medium cities are more efficient in producing TBS jobs than cities with higher populations and TBS employment, which shows the economic strength. The network depends on the Electronic Sector and manufacture of vehicular equipment. If the sector fails, the network collapses. The paper reveals which region, city and municipality offers greater/less competitive advantages, to what type of companies by sector and activity. It suggests some policy lines to leverage the network.

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How to Cite
Garrocho Rangel, C., Chávez Soto, T., & Vilchis Mata, I. (2023). EMPLOYMENT CHANGE IN TECHNOLOGY-BASED SECTORS IN MEXICO’S NORTHEAST-CENTRAL NETWORK, 2015-2020. Investigación Económica, 83(327), 114–152. https://doi.org/10.22201/fe.01851667p.2024.327.85544


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