Intervención cognitivo-conductual en un caso de ludopatía

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Marly Johana Bahamón


The game is considered a core activity for human development since it makes part of those actions that enable appropriate social behavior and its playful function is deeply involved in the processes of socialization of man. However, for some people the game contains other elements that may be more striking: the random and economic gain. When this happens the human being transgresses the thin line between love and alteration in this case the Gambling. The theoretical model used in this work is cognitive-behavioral therapy using behavioral techniques for behavior modification and cognitive restructuring techniques assuming therapeutic principles proposed by Albert Ellis from rational emotive therapy. A case of a patient 55 years of age with symptoms of a disorder of impulse control specified as pathological gambling or pathological gambling. Were used as evaluation tools Questionnaire short of pathological gambling: 3 / 4 = Possible pathological gamblers, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory 33 / + 36 = Moderate anxiety. We used the rational emotive therapy and the application of three techniques of emotional self: the progressive breathing Wolpe, auto-exposure and selfreinforcement. This intervention is shown to be effective for the treatment of pathological gambling in this case.

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How to Cite
Bahamón, M. J. (2010). Intervención cognitivo-conductual en un caso de ludopatía. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(4). Retrieved from

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