Mediación de relaciones de pareja. un caso clínico desde el análisis contingencial

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María de Lourdes Rodríguez Campuzano


A case study is presented on this paper. The main complaint was related to a depression diagnosis; nevertheless the problem was about marital relationships. This case was analyzed within the framework of a particular theoretical approach: interbehaviorism, and a specific methodology was employed: contingential analysis, which allows the evaluation on functional basis of the different interactions among people on social situations, thus as the designing or selection of the appropriate intervention procedures. The case was profoundly studied following the five phases of this system and non standard intervention procedures were selected. Most of the objectives were reached from Solutions Analysis phase and changes were mantained along one year follow up phase. The benefits of this methodology are discussed.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Campuzano, M. de L. (2010). Mediación de relaciones de pareja. un caso clínico desde el análisis contingencial. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(3). Retrieved from

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