La psicología en el escenario del trabajo: Una revisión

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María de Lourdes Rodríguez C.
Arturo Posadas Díaz


A brief review about organizational psychology is presented on this paper. The historical context of its origin, the way it has developed, the main theoretical approaches employed, such as the tasks organizational psychologists make on this field, are described. On these bases, the implications of a professional exercise created mainly to satisfy special social demands, are illustrated. Some inconvenient of this type of exercise are explained and it is proposed to consider based on psychology criteria over market demands, in order to develop a more pertinent technology supported by a theoretical model.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez C., M. de L., & Posadas Díaz, A. (2010). La psicología en el escenario del trabajo: Una revisión. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 8(2). Retrieved from

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