Influencia de la música en jóvenes con tendencias suicidas

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Lara Durand Stern
Maria Teresa del Castillo


This study examined the influence of music among college students of Mexico City and its surroundings and their suicidal tendencies. Two instruments were built, the first measured suicidal tendencies (IRV) and the second different tastes in music (STOMP). A correlation of r (Pearson) was used in which it was found a weak positive correlation of the genres: International (0.015), Pop (0.009) and Soundtracks/Theme Songs (0.000). These results were different from those of previous studies. Therefore, it was concluded that music in general is a factor that could influence adolescents with suicidal tendencies. Moreover, could not be concluded that music triggers suicide.

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How to Cite
Durand Stern, L., & del Castillo, M. T. (2010). Influencia de la música en jóvenes con tendencias suicidas. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 10(2). Retrieved from

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