Las bases de la condición humana

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Fernando Maureira Cid


The human being is an entity of two dimensions, biological stocks in the functional structure that allows the organic homeostasis and a social stock in the relation with others. The language is the capacity that generates the human world, since this one allows the emergence of them socially and creates new cognitive capacities, and this one arises in the constant relation with other individuals. It is for these motives that we hold that the language constitutes and gives form on having lived human and that alone he is a possible human being in him, beside affirming that the language is necessary to give origin to the self-consciousness and the thought.

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How to Cite
Maureira Cid, F. (2010). Las bases de la condición humana. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 11(4). Retrieved from

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