Variables sociodemográficas que influyen en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de medicina en la FESI-UNAM

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Leticia Osornio Castillo
Sabás Valadez Nava
Jobita Monje Martínez


Our objective was to link different social demographic factors to academic performance of medical students, through a randomized sample of 252 alumni from medical school's FESI UNAM (Academic year 2007). There was a negative correlation related to students transportation expended time and family incomes with statistical significance through Pearson "r". Also, there was a strong correlationship between academic performance and the fact of had selected the desired career, lack of children, and father's scholarship level; there was a medium correlationship between the academic area taken in highschool and the sort of economical support. The two most important social-demographic factors were: transportation expended time and incomes. The longer transportation expended time the lesser academic performance and the lower income the longer transportation expended time.

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How to Cite
Osornio Castillo, L., Valadez Nava, S., & Monje Martínez, J. (2010). Variables sociodemográficas que influyen en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de medicina en la FESI-UNAM. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 11(4). Retrieved from

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