Turismo y crítica a la teoria de la base segura en Bowlby

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Maximiliano Korstanje


The following work is intended to a revision on attachment theory. The postulates of the theory of the sure base point that the system of exploration meets in narrow relation the system of conducts of attachment and the figure of the keepers. The conducts that characterize and symbolize the relation of the adult with the environment are carried back to the early age, in the moment in which the child develops the affective capacity. What difference does exist between someone who decides to journey to England and that one that one decides to travel to Mar del Plata? How it is possible to study this topic of on a manner trustworthy? These three questions were key to begin the investigation. Nevertheless, the matter began to find certain limitations linked to the methodology that had to be in use. It is possible to use careless they on the leisure scope, a theory which still demonstrates certain inconsistencies in its own clinical application?

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How to Cite
Korstanje, M. (2010). Turismo y crítica a la teoria de la base segura en Bowlby. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 11(2). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/18556

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