Influencia del género en la relación terapéutica en un contexto de violencia familiar

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Adriana Reyes Iraola
Ismael Fernando Díaz Oropeza


This research shows the therapist experience who worked with violence victims. The research shows the gender influence en the therapeutic relationship. The researchers interviewed a therapist; the results tell us that the androgynous posture of the therapist is better, because the therapist is capable to support in an emotional and instrumental way to her/his clients. It is necessary that the therapist, who works with violence victims, has a personal process in order to know her/his self.

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How to Cite
Reyes Iraola, A., & Díaz Oropeza, I. F. (2010). Influencia del género en la relación terapéutica en un contexto de violencia familiar. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 11(2). Retrieved from

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