El sentido de la acción colectiva en el movimiento estudiantil 1999-2000

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Laura Palomino Garibay


In the present paper it is treated one of the main characteristics of the 1990-2000 student movement: its collective nature. The interest in treating this characteristic comes from an attempt to vindicate the sense of collectivity in two different moments of the movement: first the beginning of the movement, when their actions for the alteration of the established order and the enunciation of the movement trough their manifestos addressed to the nation built a discourse of inconformity due to the changes in the education policy, brought closer the behavior of the student movement to the behavior of social movements; secondly, later in the development of the movement, when the absence of major student groups within the institution created a sense of strangeness, when the presence of some students supporting the movement and the absence of others rejecting the movement points to the difference and divide into a we and the others, from the meanings built by this difference. The present paper sustains that the difference between the ways of participation is the result of the historical happening that marks the subjective condition of the students where their collective actions, in any case, are social actions.

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How to Cite
Palomino Garibay, L. (2010). El sentido de la acción colectiva en el movimiento estudiantil 1999-2000. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(2). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/17661

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