Psicología política y procesos de construcción de memoria colectiva

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Yomaira García Acuña


In the paper appears the role of political psychology as an enterprising of the collective memory. Initially I present conceptual aspects of the memory, particularly the collective memory, and immediately some modals concerning around the Political Psychology and the relationship existing between both past topics. Along the text some dilemmas are considered related to the development of the psychologies, as also an analysis of the formation, training and the exercise of teachers, who are often far away from social reality. The conclusions turn concerning around the need to promote a more critical look in the Political Psychology more compromised with the social transformation, more near the new social movements, as also including other alternatives in the Curriculum by means of the approximation to disciplines as history, but also arts and literature. All of them play a very important roll in the process of memory construction.

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How to Cite
García Acuña, Y. (2010). Psicología política y procesos de construcción de memoria colectiva. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(2). Retrieved from

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