El cuerpo como síntoma y objeto paradojas de la masificación del cuerpo en la problemática transexual

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Valentina Boursier


Starting from some considerations about the use of “gender” as a diagnostic category, this paper suggests some ideas on the clinical work with transsexual people. First, the “transsexual choice” of the body as a “medium” of symptom and an object of both rejection and self-identification is emphasized. Then, this kind of choice is considered in its capability of allowing a conversion of the transsexual’s self-disclosure into an external representation. On this respect, by means of the social, cultural and medical homogenization, the profound identity suffering receives a different possibility of expression and, paradoxically, a type of support and solution. Therefore an acting out through the body, confirmed by a chirurgical correction, shows a solution perpetrated to the body-object’s detriment, that collides with and cancels the subjective and intrapsychic dimension. In this context, the ability to reflect on psychic processes, considered as a specific psychological tool, is checkmated and the psychological activity is endangered too. Moreover, the professionist of mental health is forced to face off an ambigous and paradoxical request.

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How to Cite
Boursier, V. (2010). El cuerpo como síntoma y objeto paradojas de la masificación del cuerpo en la problemática transexual. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(1). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/16908

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