Análisis del uso de la televisión y su ralación con los problemas de conducta infantil mediante el Algoritmo CHAID

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Laura Olivia Zárate
Claudio Castro López


A study appears that makes an analysis of the use of the television in children of 4 to 5 years old and their relation with the behavior problems. The used instruments were the Questionnaire on the behavior of children of 1 ½ - 5 years of Achenbach and Rescorla (2002), applied to 535 parents of children of 20 schools of preschool level that turned out from a representative sampling of the city of Xalapa-Mexico in order to identify behavior problems in the infants, the Questionnaire for parents on the television and its relation on the problems of conduct, the Interview on televising preferences in the preschool child and the Group of Discussion with Teachers of Preschool Education. The made analysis is as much descriptive as multivariant, specially obtaining conclusive results with the segmentation CHAID, which demonstrates to a direct relation between the time of vision and the televising programs respect to the problems of conduct in the infants, marking itself the influence in the familiar surroundings and the socioeconomic layer.

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How to Cite
Zárate, L. O., & Castro López, C. (2010). Análisis del uso de la televisión y su ralación con los problemas de conducta infantil mediante el Algoritmo CHAID. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(4). Retrieved from

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