Tratado Ontológico Humano

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Fernando Maureira Cid


The human being possesses a biological nature and the relational one, from which there arises the capacity that makes it human: the language. The human being is a linguistic construction, one tells the history that he narrates on yes same and of the same form our reality is a structure generated in the language. Following with the premises of the language any explanation it depends on the one who asks and not on whom it answers, of equal form the intelligence is a parameter that refers of whom it measures it and not of whom it is measured. The suffering is a condition of the human nature that it is born of the social thing and does not possess a biological origin. To assume the human being since generated in the language changes radically the point of view of how we explain the things and as we look for the truth.

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How to Cite
Maureira Cid, F. (2010). Tratado Ontológico Humano. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(3). Retrieved from

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