Prohibido ser padre

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Laura Evalia Torres Velázquez


The presence, relation and coexistence with the father are favorable for the raising and development of the children. Despite, the paternal figure is frequently absent in children’s life, the absence is increased when the couple separates or divorces, and the agreements about children’s raising and education don’t exist. This lack of agreements originates fragmented paternities. The goal of this work is to analyze the relevance of paternity in the raising, the factors that affect their exercise and the restrictions in their practice when the couple relation fractures and there’s any agreement. The study presents cases of men whose paternity’s exercise has been truncated as a result of the dissolution of their couple relation, and their fight to exert their paternity. The aspects that cause a breaking are emphasized not only in the couple, also in their relation with children. There are men that choose to separate also of their children when they are divorcing of their couple. In spite of that this work is committed to give voice to those men who, although they broke with their couple relation, do not want, nor are determined to separate of their children.

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How to Cite
Torres Velázquez, L. E. (2010). Prohibido ser padre. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(3). Retrieved from

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