Problemas de conducta más frecuentes en jóvenes de secundaria

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Laura Olivia Zárate
Elsa A. Rivera Vargas
María del Pilar González Flores
Dinorah León Córdoba


The behavior problems that were not solved in the childhood have a great possibility of prevailing in the adolescence, period specially of changes and adaptation, which are reflected in the behavior by means of conducts regularly disapproved by the adults that surrounds them, the previous thing combined to the diversity of related factors that in a while given are combined affecting behavior of the young person. It specially turns out to be this stage of interest for the professionals of the health, since it is indeed this age in which it is possible to avoid deviations or upheavals at psychiatric level if they are taken care of opportunely. The interest to identify the behavior problems in adolescents who attend to secondary level in Xalapa, Veracruz-Mexico.The sampling, representative of the population include 36 secondary school and a total of 2371 young people of between 13 and 17 years of age to those who answered the Young Behaviour Checklist of 11-18 years old of T. Achenbach (2001). The results indicate to us that there is a specially vulnerable population and that is in risk since more of 40% of the young people they present/display some type of problematic that deserves to be taken care of. The identified problems, as well as the relations found in which it talks about demographic and familiar variables will be boarded.

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How to Cite
Zárate, L. O., Rivera Vargas, E. A., González Flores, M. del P., & León Córdoba, D. (2010). Problemas de conducta más frecuentes en jóvenes de secundaria. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(3). Retrieved from

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