Caracterización de hombres que ejercen violencia hacia su pareja. Propuesta de intervención

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Yesica Aguirre Cedillo
Araceli Silverio Cortés


A non-experimental descriptive research with 50 men was carried out. The objective was describing and analyzing psychological characteristics that present mexican men that ill-treat their couple and as a consequence, to make an intervention’s proposal for this population viewed from cognitive-behavioral approach. 50 men was interviewed and reports founded showed that their violence exerted have a trans generational origin, because of they was educated in such a away, likewise man partner resolve couple conflicts damaging her and even placing guilty on her, also men abusers think they must have the power as a head of household and to be obeyed without a question. Based on the results, it propones a intervention program focused on new ways to learn, where equality roles between men and women, wrath handle and some others emotions linked to couple violence were stood out; likewise a more functional communication between married couple.

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How to Cite
Aguirre Cedillo, Y., & Silverio Cortés, A. (2010). Caracterización de hombres que ejercen violencia hacia su pareja. Propuesta de intervención. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(3). Retrieved from

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