Higiene mental y prácticas corporales en el porfiriato

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Carlos Oliver Toledo


This document is presenting an outiline about the expansion and consolidation of hygienic practices during the Porfio Diaz period of government. Beginning with an elementary event: hygiene comes to Mexico during the first half of XIX Century. It was M. D. Jose Lobato who dedicated part of his life to teach it and to developing it as a Project of the State. At the very beginning, hygiene was most directed to the geography in the Mexican country. However, by the time it was extended as a geographic configuration of the body and mind, the Porfirio Diaz government was the period when this topic “hygiene” started to be written as both body and mind, creating exclusive practices. For example, cleaning the nails, the tongue or hair, even the moderation in the expression of great emotions, thinking or feelings. The result of these is the start of Psychology as a dimension of the face of morals for the body and mind, meaning hygiene.

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How to Cite
Oliver Toledo, C. (2010). Higiene mental y prácticas corporales en el porfiriato. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(2). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/15462

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