Más gobierno central, menos gobernabilidad y gobernanza territorial: las juntas auxiliares en Puebla

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Jaime Torres Fragoso


This research explains the relationship established between the city council of the municipality of Puebla and its auxiliary boards. After describing the characteristics of these demarcations, based on the analysis of participatory budget management and its main problems, their degrees of governability and governance are analyzed. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that the 2013 reform to the municipal organic law, with which the auxiliary boards ceased to be government bodies, generated negative results and damaged their conditions of governance and governability


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How to Cite
Torres Fragoso, J. . (2023). Más gobierno central, menos gobernabilidad y gobernanza territorial: las juntas auxiliares en Puebla. Estudios Políticos, (58), 125–151. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484903e.2023.58.84837

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Author Biography

Jaime Torres Fragoso, Universidad del Istmo

Doctor en Administración Pública por la UNAM. Profesor investigador de tiempo completo
en la Universidad del Istmo, México. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel
II. Líneas de investigación: Gestión pública, Gobernanza política, Estudios de desarrollo y